Information Sources

Primary Literature, always a good place to start in your hunt for information about any subject:

Distribution pattern of the flora in a peri-urban forest: an effect of the city–forest ecotone
Sandrine Godefroid∗, Nico Koedam

Olivier Honnay, , Kris Verheyen, Martin Hermy

Malin J. Hansena, Anthony P. Clevenger

Carolina Murcia
Easily digestible content; other web content dealing with Invasive species.

Plant Conservation Alliance's Alien Plant Working Group
'Plant Conservation Alliance's Alien Plant Working Group, that provides information for the public on the threat and impact of invasive plants to the native natural ecosystems of the United States.'

Green Seattle Partnership
"Creating a sustainable network of healthy forested parklands throughout Seattle, supported by an aware, engaged community."

Blake Garden, College of Enfironmental Design, Berkeley
"Blake Garden encourages the development of understanding and appreciation of nature in the garden environment."

Save mount Sutro Forest
A Cloud Forest in San Francisco

Washington Invasive Species Counsel
"Sustain Washington's human, plant, and animal communities and our thriving economy by preventing the introduction and spread of harmful invasive species."

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